0200   /*      boot.h - Info between different parts of boot.  Author: Kees J. Bot
0201    */
0203   /* Constants describing the metal: */
0205   #define SECTOR_SIZE     512
0206   #define SECTOR_SHIFT    9
0207   #define RATIO           (BLOCK_SIZE / SECTOR_SIZE)
0209   #define PARAMSEC        1       /* Sector containing boot parameters. */
0211   #define DSKBASE         0x1E    /* Floppy disk parameter vector. */
0212   #define DSKPARSIZE      11      /* There are this many bytes of parameters. */
0214   #define ESC             '\33'   /* Escape key. */
0216   #define HEADERPOS      0x00600L /* Place for an array of struct exec's. */
0218   #define FREEPOS        0x08000L /* Memory from FREEPOS to caddr is free to
0219                                    * play with.
0220                                    */
0221   #if BIOS
0222   #define MSEC_PER_TICK     55    /* Clock does 18.2 ticks per second. */
0223   #define TICKS_PER_DAY 0x1800B0L /* After 24 hours it wraps. */
0224   #endif
0226   #if UNIX
0227   #define MSEC_PER_TICK   1000    /* Clock does 18.2 ticks per second. */
0228   #define TICKS_PER_DAY  86400L   /* Doesn't wrap, but that doesn't matter. */
0229   #endif
0231   #define BOOTPOS        0x07C00L /* Bootstraps are loaded here. */
0232   #define SIGNATURE       0xAA55  /* Proper bootstraps have this signature. */
0233   #define SIGNATOFF       510     /* Offset within bootblock. */
0235   /* BIOS video modes. */
0236   #define MONO_MODE       0x07    /* 80x25 monochrome. */
0237   #define COLOR_MODE      0x03    /* 80x25 color. */
0240   /* Variables shared with boothead.s: */
0241   #ifndef EXTERN
0242   #define EXTERN extern
0243   #endif
0245   typedef struct vector {         /* 8086 vector */
0246           u16_t   offset;
0247           u16_t   segment;
0248   } vector;
0250   EXTERN vector rem_part;         /* Boot partition table entry. */
0252   EXTERN u32_t caddr, daddr;      /* Code and data address of the boot program. */
0253   EXTERN u32_t runsize;           /* Size of this program. */
0255   EXTERN u16_t device;            /* Drive being booted from. */
0257   typedef struct {                /* One chunk of free memory. */
0258           u32_t   base;           /* Start byte. */
0259           u32_t   size;           /* Number of bytes. */
0260   } memory;
0262   EXTERN memory mem[3];           /* List of available memory. */
0265   /* Functions defined by boothead.s: */
0267   void exit(int code);
0268                           /* Exit the monitor. */
0269   u32_t mon2abs(void *ptr);
0270                           /* Local monitor address to absolute address. */
0271   u32_t vec2abs(vector *vec);
0272                           /* Vector to absolute address. */
0273   void raw_copy(u32_t dstaddr, u32_t srcaddr, u32_t count);
0274                           /* Copy bytes from anywhere to anywhere. */
0275   u16_t get_word(u32_t addr);
0276                           /* Get a word from anywhere. */
0277   void put_word(u32_t addr, U16_t word);
0278                           /* Put a word anywhere. */
0279   void relocate(void);
0280                           /* Switch to a copy of this program. */
0281   int dev_open(void), dev_close(void);
0282                           /* Open device and determine params / close device. */
0283   int dev_boundary(u32_t sector);
0284                           /* True if sector is on a track boundary. */
0285   int readsectors(u32_t bufaddr, u32_t sector, U8_t count);
0286                           /* Read 1 or more sectors from "device". */
0287   int writesectors(u32_t bufaddr, u32_t sector, U8_t count);
0288                           /* Write 1 or more sectors to "device". */
0289   int getch(void);
0290                           /* Read a keypress. */
0291   int escape(void);
0292                           /* True if escape typed. */
0293   void putch(int c);
0294                           /* Send a character to the screen. */
0295   void set_mode(unsigned mode);
0296   void clear_screen(void);
0297                           /* Set video mode / clear the screen. */
0299   u16_t get_bus(void);
0300                           /* System bus type, XT, AT, or MCA. */
0301   u16_t get_video(void);
0302                           /* Display type, MDA to VGA. */
0303   u32_t get_tick(void);
0304                           /* Current value of the clock tick counter. */
0306   void bootstrap(int device, struct part_entry *entry);
0307                           /* Execute a bootstrap routine for a different O.S. */
0308   u32_t minix(u32_t koff, u32_t kcs, u32_t kds,
0309                                   char *bootparams, size_t paramsize, u32_t aout);
0310                           /* Start Minix. */
0313   /* Shared between boot.c and bootimage.c: */
0315   /* Sticky attributes. */
0316   #define E_SPECIAL       0x01    /* These are known to the program. */
0317   #define E_DEV           0x02    /* The value is a device name. */
0318   #define E_RESERVED      0x04    /* May not be set by user, e.g. 'boot' */
0319   #define E_STICKY        0x07    /* Don't go once set. */
0321   /* Volatile attributes. */
0322   #define E_VAR           0x08    /* Variable */
0323   #define E_FUNCTION      0x10    /* Function definition. */
0325   /* Variables, functions, and commands. */
0326   typedef struct environment {
0327           struct environment *next;
0328           char    flags;
0329           char    *name;          /* name = value */
0330           char    *arg;           /* name(arg) {value} */
0331           char    *value;
0332           char    *defval;        /* Safehouse for default values. */
0333   } environment;
0335   EXTERN environment *env;        /* Lists the environment. */
0337   char *b_value(char *name);      /* Get/set the value of a variable. */
0338   int b_setvar(int flags, char *name, char *value);
0340   EXTERN int fsok;        /* True if the boot device contains an FS. */
0341   EXTERN u32_t lowsec;    /* Offset to the file system on the boot device. */
0342   EXTERN u32_t reboot_code; /* Program returned by a rebooting Minix. */
0344   /* Called by boot.c: */
0346   void bootminix(void);           /* Load and start a Minix image. */
0349   /* Called by bootimage.c: */
0351   void readerr(off_t sec, int err);
0352                           /* Report a read error. */
0353   char *ul2a(u32_t n, unsigned b), *ul2a10(u32_t n);
0354                           /* Transform u32_t to ASCII at base b or base 10. */
0355   long a2l(char *a);
0356                           /* Cheap atol(). */
0357   unsigned a2x(char *a);
0358                           /* ASCII to hex. */
0359   dev_t name2dev(char *name);
0360                           /* Translate a device name to a device number. */
0361   int numprefix(char *s, char **ps);
0362                           /* True for a numeric prefix. */
0363   int numeric(char *s);
0364                           /* True for a numeric string. */
0365   char *unix_err(int err);
0366                           /* Give a descriptive text for some UNIX errors. */
0367   int run_trailer(void);
0368                           /* Run the trailer function. */
0370   #if BIOS
0371   /* Use the kernel printf(): */
0372   void printk(char *fmt, ...);
0373   #define printf  printk
0374   #endif
0376   #if DOS
0377   /* The monitor runs under MS-DOS. */
0378   extern char PSP[256];   /* Program Segment Prefix. */
0379   EXTERN char *vdisk;     /* Name of the virtual disk. */
0380   EXTERN char *drun;      /* Initial command from DOS command line. */
0381   #else
0382   /* The monitor uses only the BIOS. */
0383   #define DOS     0
0384   #endif